
Recommended Planting Times

Planting Region Map

  1. April – June – Wisonsin Zone 1
  2. March – May
  3. February – April

Professional Facts & Tips

  • Plant Summer Flowering Bulbs AFTER the last frost date in your area.
  • Quality bulbs and well drained soil are the two most important ingredients to a successful Summer garden.  Also best to plant bulbs within season of purchase.
  • Summer Bulbs require a great deal of water immediately after planting. The soil in your garden should be continually moist, not overly saturated.
  • Additional fertilizers are not necessary for Bulbs.
  • Many Summer Flowering Bulbs  and are well suited for patio containers and should be planted closer for a full look.
  • A variety of Bulbs make great cut flowers. Some of the taller varieties may require staking.